Bachlor Of Science In Nursing (B.Sc. Nursing)

Aims The aims of the undergraduate program are to a. Produce knowledgeable competent nurses and midwives with clear critical thinking skills who are caring, motivated, assertive and well-disciplined responding to the changing needs of profession, healthcare delivery system and society. b. Prepare them to assume responsibilities as professional, competent nurses and midwives in providing promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative healthcare services in any healthcare setting. c. Prepare nurses and midwives who can make independent decisions in nursing situations within the scope of practice, protect the rights of individuals and groups and conduct research in the areas of nursing practice and apply evidence- based practice. d. Prepare them to assume role of practitioner, teacher, supervisor and manager in all healthcare settings.

Objectives On completion of the B.Sc. Nursing program, the B.Sc. nursing graduates will be able to
1. Utilize critical thinking to synthesize knowledge derived from physical, biological, behavioral sciences, and humanities, in the practice of professional nursing and midwifery. 2.Practice professional nursing and midwifery competently and safely in diverse settings, utilizing caring, critical thinking and therapeutic nursing interventions with individuals, families, populations and communities at any developmental stage and with varied lived health experiences.
3.Provide promotive, preventive and restorative health services in line with national health policies and programs.
4.Integrate professional caring into practice decisions that encompass values, ethical, and moral and legal aspects of nursing.
5.Respect the dignity, worth, and uniqueness of self and others.
6.Apply concepts of leadership, autonomy and management to the practice of nursing and midwifery to enhance quality and safety in health care.
7.Utilize the latest knowledge and skills related to information and technology to enhance patient outcomes.
8.Communicate effectively with patients, peers, and all health care providers.
9.Utilize the requisite knowledge, skills and technologies to practice independently and collaboratively with all health professionals applying the principles of safety and quality improvement.
10. Integrate research findings and nursing theory in decision making in evidence-based practice.
11. Accept responsibility and accountability for the effectiveness of one's own nursing and midwifery practice and professional growth as a learner, clinician and leader.
12. Participate in the advancement of the profession to improve health care for the betterment of the global society.

Philosophy The Council believes that: Health and wellness are two fundamental concepts that are integrated throughout the program. Health is a state of well- being that encompasses physical, psychological, social, economic and spiritual dimensions. Wellness is the individual's perception of wellness and is influenced by the presence of disease and individual's ability to adapt. Health is a right of all people. Individuals have a right to be active participants in achieving health as they perceive it. Society consists of dynamic and interactive systems involving individuals, families, groups and communities. Cultural diversity, race, caste, creed, socio economic levels, religion, lifestyles, changes in environment and political factors influence it. Nurses and midwives recognize and respect human differences and diversity of population within society and provide ethical care with respect and dignity and protect their rights. Nursing as a profession and a discipline utilizes knowledge derived from arts, sciences (physical, biological and behavioral), humanities and human experience. Nursing science incorporates clinical competence, critical thinking, communication, teaching learning, professionalism, and caring and cultural competency. Nurses collaborate with other health disciplines to solve individual and community health problems. Nursing facilitates evidence-based practice, compassionate caring among its practitioners in response to emerging issues in healthcare and new discoveries and technologies in profession. Nursing practice requires personal commitment to professional development and life-long learning. Scope of nursing and midwifery practice encompasses provision of promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative aspects of care to people across the life span in a wide variety of healthcare settings. Nursing practice is based on acquisition of knowledge, understanding, attitude, competencies and skills through the Council‘s curricular and practice standards. The competencies in which the students are trained will guide them in performing their scope of practice. Nursing offers qualified nurses and midwives a wealth of opportunities in the field of practice, education, management and research in India and overseas.

ADMISSION TERMS AND CONDITIONS As per council norms. The minimum age for admission shall be 17 years on 31st December of the year in which admission is sought. The maximum age limit for admission shall be 35 years.
Minimum Educational Qualification
a) Candidate with Science who have passed the qualifying 12th Standard examination (10+2) and must have obtained a minimum of 45% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology taken together and passed in English individually.
b) Candidates are also eligible from State Open School recognized by State Government and National Institute of Open School (NIOS) recognized by Central Government having Science subjects and English only.
c) English is a compulsory subject in 10+2 for being eligible for admission to B.Sc. (Nursing).
d)Colour blind candidates are eligible provided that colour corrective contact lens and spectacles are worn by such candidates.
e)Candidate shall be medically fit.
f)Married candidates are also eligible for admission. Students shall be admitted once in a year.
g)Selection of candidates should be based on the merit of the entrance examination.
Eligibility criteria
In respect of candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC the marks obtained in 3 core subjects shall be 40% and for candidates beloning to Open it shall be 45%.Minimum qualifying marks for entrance test shall be 50% marks.

Course Pattern Four year full time course (Semester pattern)

Meduim of InstructionEnglish

Syllabus For detailed syllabus Click Here

Passing Criteria Student has to pass the Internal and External examination separately. Passing perecnatge 50% in each subject and as per MUHS Norms.

Examination and assessment Pattern For more details Click Here

Course Structure Duration of the program: 8 semesters
1-7 Semesters
One Semester Plan for the first 7 Semesters
Total Weeks per Semester: 26 weeks per semester
Number of Weeks per Semester for instruction: 20 weeks (40 hours per week × 20 weeks = 800 hours)
Number of Working Days: Minimum of 100 working days (5 days per week × 20 weeks)
Vacation, Holidays, Examination and Preparatory Holidays: 6 weeks
Vacation: 3 weeks
Holidays: 1 week
Examination and Preparatory Holidays: 2 weeks8th Semester
One semester: 22 weeks
Vacation: 1 week
Holidays: 1 week
Examination and Preparatory Holidays: 2 week

Fee Structure (In Rupees) For more details 2024-25 Click Here

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